The awaited Score Challenge is here!
Use Mickey from your happiness box (no other Mickey will work for this challenge) and try to get as high of a score as you can. Based on your score, relative to the scores of other players' scores, you will be ranked on where you stand and therefore the type of pin you would get based on your rank. There are 7 ranks - S A B C D E F, with S being the top rank, and F being the lowest rank.
But that's too easy. Tsum tsum has created a small (or rather difficult) challenge where
each hour it will update the rank boundaries and thus the score minimum to reach each rank. So you may have gotten the top rank - which is S in this case - but in the next hour, if many other players beats your score, the boundaries may change and you may get bumped down to Rank A.
The final rank boundaries are set 6 hours before the event closes, so in this case, the final boundaries are set at 5:59PM on Sunday, June 26th. If the boundary for S is 1 million points for example, then as long as you get over 1 million after 6:00PM on Sunday, June 26th, you will get the S Pin. Until then, I smell the competition will get fierce!
This morning I tried, and managed to get a D rank with 777,761 points.
When I first started the game, D rank needed only 600,000 points.
After I got my score, I was ranked in the D rank since I passed the 600,000 points threshold.
Now looking at it 4 hours down the road, I see one of my friends has beat me, and at the same time, I see that the D rank boundary has gone up to 700,000 points. Since I still surpassed this threshold, I am still ranked D but not sure how long this will last.
One of my friends got rank A with 1.8 million points this morning and the S boundary is at 2.1 million points. Now he is still rank A but the threshold for S rank has gone up to 2.2 million points.
Let's see where this goes. It looks like it's the surrounding tsums that plays alongside Mickey that will ultimately make the high score, together with the long chains you can try to make during the game. I say this because although you try to max Mickey out, he's only going to give you a max score of 344 per Mickey which isn't very much if you're used to playing with the premium tsums. So the best bet is to try in the next few days to level up each of the tsums that appear alongside Mickey and try to achieve a high score on Saturday and Sunday this week via bonuses with your leveled up tsums. This way allows you to accumulate coins so that you can use them for the bonuses for this event.
Good luck and Happy Tsuming!