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Hi everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being able to keep up with the blog posts. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep up ...

Friday, March 17, 2017

April Sneak Peak

Wow, wow, wow! So this post is a bit out of the ordinary because I usually don't post about leaks that don't have pictures to substantiate or back them up. But this time, it's different. The leaks indicate an exciting April, and requires a lot of heads up in my opinion so that you can try your best to get the new tsum. Please do note that I haven't seen the pictures to indicate when the lucky times are nor if this is definitely for sure happening in April.

Drum roll everyone...


April is going to be ... STAR WARS!!!

Yes, I was also taken aback when I first saw the leaks. May 4th is known as Star Wars day by a lot of fans so that's why I didn't take the leaks seriously when the banners were found and fans said Star Wars was coming in April for the International game. But something happened on the iOS store today: Tsum Tsum was taken down in the international game. Why? Because it was under "maintenance".

A fan on Reddit posted this picture: App Store Update.

Yes, you saw right, it IS Star Wars!! I have an Android so I actually didn't see this update since they seem to update Android after iOS. It was this screenshot that convinced me that Star Wars is indeed coming! By the way, fans suspect that the developers released the updates too early and thus have taken the game off until they fixed this pre-release, thus why you may not be able to find Tsum Tsum on the Apple App store for the time being. Don't worry, it should return soon. I'm not sure how long it takes to correct the error they're trying to fix right now.

The banners found on this Reddit post and on the screenshot indicate that we'll be getting Kylo Ren, Rey, K-2SO, Death Trooper, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Jedi Luke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a brief overlay of how the Star Wars event will work: Star Wars Rogue One. Death Trooper is the reward tsum for this event!

Here are the lucky times that happened in Japan when this event happened: Japan Lucky Times.

Tidbit: coin farm as much as you can. I know Maleficent Dragon is coming up next weekend but still, coin farm as much as you can until next month so you can get all the Star War tsums! Guaranteed that all of the Star War tsums are time limited and you won't be able to get them after April 30th from the premium box.

Tidbit: Coin farm especially to try and get Jedi Luke who is the ultimate coin farmer to date!!! Seiji has a video of Jedi Luke and he got over 14,000 coins in one game!!! Even in the Reddit coin farmer ranking list, Jedi Luke, when used with the 5>4 bonus, can rake in 8900 coins on average!!

Tidbit: We may get our first lucky time as early as Fri, March 31st.

Tidbit: For all the fans who didn't get a chance to get the Star War tsums last year, e.g. Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Yoda, etc., you can get them in the pickup capsule! I understand there are 3 banners shown in the leak but there really should be 1 pickup capsule, so save up at least 600,000 in case there are more than 15 tsums in the pickup capsule for April. The extra 2 banners are probably options for the developer to post in the game.

What are you waiting for? It's time to coin farm!! I will post another blog post when the final pictures are mined and the dates are known.

Good luck everyone and Happy Tsuming!! =D


  1. You are brilliant!!! I started tsums last year during the star wars event but accidentally deleted my account and I lost everything. I have been hoping they would come back. Do you know if this is a one month or a two month thing like last year?

    1. Hi Olivia!
      Right now, I would assume it's a one month thing. I haven't seen any of the pictures yet from those who usually mine them to let us know when the lucky times are happening, so I'm not sure. Let's wait until next weekend, and maybe by then we'll have more information. For now, assume it's 1 month and if it's 2 months, it'll be a bonus!
      Thanks for reading! =D

  2. Thanks for the update! I come to your site all the time. I started this past Christmas and don't have any of the limited editions MD or the two bunnies in the upcoming LT. Would you suggest to save up for Star Wars or hope that I can get them all with minimum coins? Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Unknown,
      How many tsums do you have? If you have a small collection (e.g. less than 30 tsums), then you might have a good chance of getting them in the first 300,000 coins (10 boxes). In general, if you want the limited time tsums in next week's lucky time, I would limit the number of boxes to 10 Max and then save up as much as you can thereafter for the Star Wars lucky times. From the banners it looks like there will be several lucky times in April so they won't be giving all of the tsums at one time, which isn't a bad thing since it will give you a chance to collect coins between the lucky times. How many coins can you farm in one day without too much stress on yourself?

  3. omg. had been waiting for jedi luke since playing. I am so excited now. thanks for keep us up to date.

    1. Hehe, glad I could bring you some good news JC. =) Happy Tsuming!

  4. Hi! I nearly use all my coins for alice's limited tsum, luckily i read this post! Thanks a lot :)
    I want to ask you, will the skill ticket that we got from capsule expired?
    I remember i read somewhere before that i won't ever be expired, but mine have countdown and it said 9 days to go :(
    i want to keep it for my future tsum...

    1. Hi Wellington!

      Good question! You can keep your skill tickets for as long as you want in your inbox. =) When it states number of days ago, it only means when you received the skill ticket. Hope this helped!

      Thanks for reading!! =D

    2. I thought the messages in the inbox exprie after 30 days? does that mean it will be automatically deleted? If that's the case, the Skill tickets will be deleted too?

    3. Hi Cindy,
      Only hearts expire in the inbox after 30 days. =) So everything else, including premium tickets, tickets for bonuses, and skill tickets stay in there until you claim them. Hope this helps!

    4. Hi, fatalistic web:

      Thank you for your answer. It is very helpful. =)

    5. the note at the bottom of the inbox seems like it states "messages will be deleted after 30 days" but what you don't notice is the heart icon in front of the word "messages". (i also got confused at first) this means apart from hearts, all other messages can be kept for longer than 30 days.

  5. Hi fantalistic, may I ask what is the average coins you farm per day? I just want to gauge if I am not good at farming, if people get a lot of coins through friend donations or if people just play a lot (I.e 3+hours per day) I definitely want to step up my game for Star Wars so if it is friends I need to add I will

    1. Hi Chris,
      That's a very good question! Over the past few months I have joined a couple of hearts sending groups that requires a minimum of 20 to 30 hearts to be sent to each player per week, with a cap of 40 players per group. I have found joining even one group has drastically increased the number of hearts I get each day and if I am able to receive each heart within the hour, I am able to get 200 coins per heart. Right now because of my busy schedule I don't get to play much but I am able to claim the heart within the hour so each day I've been able to get as much as 120,000 coins without playing. When I am able to sit down and play for a couple of hours, because I have skill 6 beast, I am able to get 100,000 coins per day.

      It's important to note that I claim each heart individually and manually through my inbox so to reward those who send me a heart. Why individually and manually claim hearts? Because when you claim the heart individually from your inbox, it sends back a heart to those who sent you that heart. It really pays to reward those who send hearts to you. :) I hope this answers your question. Let us know if you have any further questions and we'd be happy to help where we can!

      Thanks for reading! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Chris,
      As an FYI, I find groups to join through the Line app. If you go to the 3rd tab in the app where it says Timeline, people post up heart-sending groups that they're recruiting for, or your friends may share posts that are recruiting for members. You can browse through there to find a group that you'll like and be able to meet the requirements for easily. =) Good luck! Happy Tsuming!

    4. Thanks I actually googled to find a group. I only have 64 people on the list of which 1/3 are probably inactive. I hear the max is 100, is that correct?

    5. Hi Unknown,
      I have friends who have more than 400 friends. I read somewhere the max may be around 1000 friends, so you're more than welcome to add more friends. I personally have over 150 friends already ...trying to limit the number of players because it takes about 10 minutes to send to my full list once. Have fun! =)

    6. Hi again fatalistic,

      Here's something to wrap your mind around. I hear so much rave about Jedi Luke but isn't Vader pretty much like Jedi Luke? I mean if you get 5>4 he should be able to do about 9k coins consistent? Or am I missing something?

    7. Great question Jean Christophe Le! =D I'm glad you asked it!

      Here are two videos:



      And here is Reddit's discussion about how Darth Vader and Jedi Luke are very similar. There is a slight difference which makes all the difference in why Jedi Luke is better:


      In summary, when using Darth Vader's skill, any MyTsum cleared during activation charges Darth Vader's skill meter in very minute amounts (to the point that it doesn't feel like it's charging up at all). On the other hand, when Jedi Luke's skill is being used, any MyTsums cleared during activation does count towards the next skill meter, so you can recharge his meter and keep playing with his ability quite often during one game. And to note, both tsums stops time when their skill has been activated so you can use their abilities quite frequently in one game, moreso for Jedi Luke because you can charge his skill meter more quickly than you can for Darth Vader.

      I hope this helps answer your question! Thanks for reading! Happy Tsuming! =D

    8. IMO, I think the developers messed up and he was supposed to be like Vader. Would t be surprised if they nerf this in the future. (Of course I hope not)

  6. Hi Thanks for the great forum!

    I have a question about what to do for my coins. Currently I have saved up about 450000 coins. My strongest tsum is Lv4 Scar. I am not that good at the game, so without boost, i can average from 1100-1600 coins with him. My second strongest tsum is surprised elsa at Lv.3.
    My question is, should I spend any coins during Maleficent dragon LT (I didn't have it yet)? or should I save all my coins and keep earning more coins for my next month's Jedi Luke and star war pickup capsules?
    I am more of a burst type player. I am worry even if i get MD, at low level, I won't be able to use it efficiently. So, it is better to save all the coins, or should I try to spend some coins to get at least one MD so that I can have it?
    Please help.

    1. Hi TennisHDD,
      Great question and definitely a common dilemma right now. In my opinion, I would suggest you try to get Maleficent Dragon one time. Maybe set a max of 300,000 coins ( =10 boxes) to spend to get her once during her lucky time. Once you get her once, then stop. I only say this because I do recognize Maleficent Dragon as a very powerful tsum and once you get her, you at least have the opportunity to skill her up with skill tickets later if you do find yourself able to play with her and do well with her. :) Then afterwards, farm as much as you can before the first lucky time. Right now, you have the ability to keep farming for another week before Maleficent Dragon comes next weekend. :) so you can try saving up another 300,000 coins this week alone if you can. I have to say you're doing great with Scar so keep using him without boosts! 1100 to 1600 coins per game is a really good place to be at if you just started. :) Keep up the great work! Let us know if you have any other questions too and we'd be happy to help! Thanks for reading! :)

    2. Hi fatalistic web,

      Thank you so much for your help! I managed to save 1 million coins by now, and I just open 11 boxes and finally get the MD on the 11th box! (I was about to give up!! haha). But I got all 3 tsums from this Lucky time, which is good.

      I tried to use MD a bit, it seems that it is not that easy to use. Is there any tips on using her? I felt the 4 second ability time is way too short for me to do anything ><

      Also, I have another question, is there any quick way to earn skill tickets? Since I started playing, I only participated in two events and earn 4 skill tickets in total (and I get another one by getting all 15 tsums in the capsule). By this rate, it will take years before I have a chance to max any of my tsum.


    3. Hi TennisHDD,
      Sorry for the late reply. It has been a hectic weekend. Congratulations on getting MD!! She is definitely tricky to use. I found some of the people who managed to tap into her ability better than me in these following threads:




      I think if you read through the comments made by some of the redditors, it may shed some light on how to use MD. Unfortunately I'm not very good with her so I can't provide any insight... :(

      Skill tickets are only given by the game events and pickup capsule. For the first two years I was playing, I didn't actually come across a skill ticket until one of the bingo cards gave you one if I remember correctly. Don't worry about taking years to max your tsums. The trick is to coin farm as much as you can and using them during lucky times so that you skill the new tsums up as much as you can. Thus why a lot of people search for the best coin farming tsum to help them with that. In my opinion, Jedi Luke may be #1 right now but he's a time limited tsum which is harder for newer players to get if they don't start until after the Star Wars event is over. Beast Skill 6 is best in my opinion because it is a level playing field for everyone since he's available through the premium box at any time. Try finding a tsum that will help you get 1500+ coins in a game and it will become easier. Skill 6 Beast gets me around 4500 coins per game with the 5>4 bonus used. It helps you accumulate a lot of coins before the next lucky time happens. Hope this helps answer part of your question at least! Thanks for reading! =)

    4. Thank you so much!!

      I am currently using Scar skill lv4 as my main tsum for coins. I can get about 1100-1600 coins per game but the range is pretty big. I can't get consistently over 1500+ coins yet.

      My question is, should I try to level him up to max or should I start saving all the future skill tickets and coins for Beast? (I don't have him yet). In general, how many boxes do i need to open during lucky time so I can have a chance to get Scar from level 4 to max?

      Thanks! best wishes

    5. Hi TennisHDD,

      I think since you don't have Beast yet, try skilling Scar up until Skill 6 is a good option. Scar is a decent coin farmer so it's worth it to skill him up, as according to this ranking list found on Reddit:


      In terms how many boxes you'd need to open, it depends on whether the lucky time is a Select Lucky time (around 10% success rate) or a regular Lucky Time (around 25% success rate). Let's take Select Lucky Time for Scar as the worst case scenario, from Skill 4 to Skill 6, you need to open another 28 boxes at most. 28 boxes x 30,000 coins = 840,000 coins but at 10% success rate, then you need 10x the amount of coins for the select lucky time, at 8.4 million coins. Do note this is a select lucky time with Scar in it as one of the selected tsums...which may not come for a while since we just got him rather recently. To get from Skill 4 to Skill 5, you only need 8 skill tickets so you're close to getting Skill 5 which is very good already. Skill 5 to Skill 6 is a very long-term goal for all the tsums usually...

      Hope this helps a bit. Sorry for the sad news though of how long it will take to get to Skill 6. Once you get the coin farmer that you need to get a lot of coins, it will be much more manageable and achievable for sure to reach Skill 6.

      Good luck! Happy Tsuming! =)

  7. Hi, I haven't been able to find the answer to this questions else where. Is there a way to delete people off your list and add new people as a lot of on my list have just stopped playing and i think I've reached my max for the number of people I can add :/

    1. Hi Noodlesrox!

      The best way to delete people off your list is to Hide them. How?

      *go into your Friends list in Line (the chat app linked with Tsum Tsum)
      *click on the three dots at the top right corner
      *select Edit Friends
      *find the individuals you want to delete
      *select them in your friends list
      *click HIDE.

      Hide everyone that you want to delete. Then:
      *go into your Friends list again
      *click on the three dots
      *select Settings
      *click on Hidden users
      *next to each name, click Edit
      *click on Delete option

      Why Hide? Because if the players come back to the game and start sending lots of hearts again, you can see who it is because they will start sending you messages in your Chat tab in Line, at which point you can add them back again so to send them hearts again.

      Hope this helps! Thanks for reading!

    2. Thanks so much, you're awesome :)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi, I chanced upon your blog recently and found it extremely useful! Just wondering, i'm currently using a skill level 5 b.anna and have saved up to 1mil coins. However i won't be able to play as much in April and probably won't be able to earn much coins then for the star wars Tsum. Currently debating how to spend my coins (between trying to get as many MD or save up for jedi luke)

    1. Hi Sx5al,

      There are a few questions that you need to ask yourself and answer before we can see what would benefit you most:

      1) Do you have Maleficent Dragon yet?
      2) If yes, do you use her very often for your high scores or coins?
      3) If yes, then yes, do get more of Maleficent Dragon because the higher her skill, the more powerful she is as a tsum.
      4) If no, you don't have her, try getting her once in the premium box.
      5) If no, you have her and don't use her for coins or for scores, then no, skip her altogether for the lucky time coming up.

      It sounds like you like using Birthday Anna. Do you do well with her? Maleficent Dragon is similar and thus why I feel you should get Maleficent Dragon at least once if you don't have her yet.

      Hope this helps! Let us know what other questions you have and if this helped at all.

      Thanks for reading!

  9. Hi, thanks for your blog. I've been reading it for a while. I'm curious about adding friends. I have an android phone and have not been able to connect to the line app to add friends. I don't even know if I'm looking up the right app or where to go once I open the app. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Chelsea,

      The Line app's full name is "LINE: Free Calls & Messages". Does this mean you don't have this app installed and are playing the Tsum Tsum game as a guest? You need to make an account to use the app and thereafter it should link up with your Tsum Tsum game. The Developer name on this app is "LINE Corporation". Let me know if you are able to download it, create an account, and link it with your Tsum Tsum app. It's important to have an account to avoid losing all your progress. Remember to note your account login information in case you get a new phone and need to download the app again later on the new device.

      Thanks for reading! =)

    2. Thanks for your response. I sent an inquiry into the Tsum tsum people. It seems like I am playing as a guest and the only way to fix it is to unistall and reinstall but I'd lose all my info. I'm currently at level 105 and have 100 tsums. I don't want to start over so I guess I'll have to live with not being able to add friends.

    3. Hi Chelsea,
      You should be able to keep all your tsums, coins, hearts, and rubies, etc. From what I've read, you just lose your high score which I'm sure you can attain again afterwards.

      To convert to Line login,
      1) Download the LINE app, and create an ID. Remember to Note it!
      2) Go into your Tsum Tsum app, hit the Gear-shaped button on the lower left, bringing up the Options menu.
      3) On the Options menu, there's a button that says "LINE off". Hit the button and it should say "LINE on" and thereby asking you to connect a Line ID to the game.

      Let me know if this works. So far, Redditors have stated this worked for them from what I've found so far in the forum.




    4. Thanks for your research and info. When I originally downloaded the game I did it for the kids but they lost their interest and I have been playing it. However, I had put their ages in and show my account is showing guest under 13. There's no option to turn Line on or off for guests under 13. :(

    5. Thank you for contacting us.

      If you would like to login to LINE: Disney TsumTsum using your LINE account, you need to reinstall the app.

      However, once you install the app, your game progress data will be deleted.

      Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could try to reinstall the app after some consideration.

      How to change the age settings
      1. Uninstall the app and then install the Global version of LINE:Disney TsumTsum app again.
      2. When you log into the game, you will enter your age again.

      -If you enter the age of older 13, you will be able to choose 'LINE Log-in' or 'Guest Log-in'.

      Please select 'LINE Log-in' and enter your LINE account or email address and password.

      We hope you will enjoy playing the game using LINE account.

    6. Oh no! I'm so sorry Chelsea. =( The only plus side of having a new account is that you'll for sure get all the new tsums coming out. =) Just sucks to have to start all over again. =( However, if you can add friends and join heart-sending groups, you will be able to get a lot of coins and thereby be able to get the powerful tsums more easily. There are definitely lots of pros and cons to either side unfortunately.

    7. Good points! You really did see the positive side to it. Thanks again. :)

    8. Good points! You really did see the positive side to it. Thanks again. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am trying to join a group to get more hearts but can't figure it out. I don't have any line friends and can't figure out how to add any either. I found the timeline part that was discussed earlier here. It it just says I have no friends. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. I'm also looking for tsum tsum friends! ID: Heathbar

    2. adding friends on line = adding friends on tsum tsum. but first, make sure you have line ON in the tsum tsum app — it can be found through the settings button after you enter tsum tsum.

      the timeline is for your line friends which you have added (and you, if you wish) to post information, including sharing your high score/level up, and even tsum tsum groups like fatalistic web mentioned. but you will only be able to see such posts if you have line friends in the first place. make sure to join a group that sends a similar number of hearts daily as you do, if not you will be removed from the friends lists of other members in the group and thus joining the group would be useless. (e.g. join a group that requires you to send around 5 hearts a day if you're able to send that amount daily)

      for adding line friends, try this link : https://www.reddit.com/r/TsumTsum/comments/5x04yd/line_id_threadmarch_2017/?st=J0T9H1K7&sh=cfa4c3a8

      you'll find lots of line ids there, and i would recommend you to add people of your timezone/around the same timezone to allow more efficiency in heart sending. you can also share your line id to get others to add you if they'd like, and then you can add them back.

      hope i answered your question! :-)

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you. Do you have a group to join too? How do I find those?

    2. Hi Amy and Unknown (same person?),

      Sorry for the late reply.

      I first got into groups because I had added some of the reddit players through the month's Line ID thread on Reddit. For March, the line thread is:


      You can add your name or wait until April's Line ID thread to add your name there. You can specify when you add your name on the Reddit Thread that you're looking to join a group, and someone will add you in or comment and ask you what you're looking for. I think for the beginning, it'd help to look for a smaller group like around 30 people, 40 max, and a smaller heart requirement e.g. 20 hearts per week, just to dip your feet into it and see how it's like before you jump into a larger group and a larger heart requirement because it will take a while to send the hearts to everyone and to manage your leaderboard list.

      Hope this helps a bit. Thanks for reading!

    3. Thank you. And yes it was the same person. I'm not sure why it came in as unknown the second time.

  13. omg it's true!! tsum tsum just updated the banner page and added a post "star wars : new tsum tsum coming soon!" hope that you'll release more details on the event/the whole of april soon :-)


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