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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bonus November prizes coming up!

There looks to be some extra prizes coming our way besides the upcoming and last Villains lucky time for this month!!

  • Thurs, Nov 24th ONLY - Log in and automatically get 4000 coins as Line celebrate their 4th Anniversary!
  • Fri, Nov 25th to Sun, Nov 27th - Last Villains Lucky Time for November
  • Mon, Nov 28th to Wed, Nov 30th - all missions will give 3000 coins instead of 500 as Tsum Tsum celebrates over 65 Million downloads! So you can get 9000 coins per day just by completing the missions alone. 
  • UPDATE: Nov 27 - They started the 3000 coins per mission today!! Ending on Wed, Nov 30th at 6:59AM!
  • VOTING TIME!! It looks like Tsum Tsum is asking for everyone who is registered with a Line account to vote for your favorite duo that you would like to see in the Select Lucky Time event in February 2017!! If you are playing with a guest account, and you want to be a part of this vote, you need to sign up for a Line account! When is this vote happening? It is said to start on Mon, Nov 28th. Not entirely sure when voting will end though; however, please note that each person can only vote Once.

Happy Tsuming!! =)


  1. You are the best! I check out your blog daily! Happy Tsuming :)

  2. Thank you Tsumzz!! :D Happy Tsuming!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very accurate info and I checked your blog since the 1st day I played Tsum Tsum. Keep the great job up! Thanks. =D

  5. Thanks for the info.

    Can I ask questions here? I have a few things that I want to use skill tickets on, such as Beast (SL 3) and Concert Mickey (SL 3.75). The problem is that I can only get at most 4 skill tickets per month, while I need 11 to get Beast up to SL 5 and another one to boost Concert Mickey to SL 4. If I get a skill ticket, should I use it, and if yes, where should I use it?

    1. Hi Alvin,

      Great question! In my opinion, I would spend the skill ticket on the tsum that will be your ultimate coin farmer because with the coin farmer, you can get much more coins in a shorter span of time, and thus can build your coin buffer and skill up tsums faster since you can open more boxes. Of the two choices, both are good coin farmers, though Beast is really highly recommended from all the discussions I've had the chance to read in Reddit so I would skill him up and try to get him to at least Skill 5. Another reason why I would skill up Beast over Concert Mickey is because you can get through more games with Beast and get a large amount of coins per game vs with Concert Mickey, you may get comparable amount of coins with him, but the games are quite extended since his skill stops time. Thus you can play more games with Beast and get more coins in a shorter span of time than with Concert Mickey. Do I make sense? Please let me know if I've become confusing and I can try again. :)

      Thank you for reading!!

    2. Thanks for the advice. I also had the same thoughts, although seeing the Concert Mickey's skill bar made me really want to throw one ticket in there. Beast is probably the more rational decision though.

  6. May i ask how do u get 4 skill tickets per month?? Thanks.

    1. Hi Clara,

      There is no easy way of getting a Skill ticket and the number of Skill tickets that we can get is dependent on what the events and pickup capsule gives. We got 4 skill tickets this month because for the 3 Villains maps, each map rewarded you with a Skill Ticket after you defeated the Villain. Then there was a pickup capsule which offers you a skill ticket after you buy all 15 capsules. Does this make sense?

      Thank you for reading!

    2. If you had the time and coins, you could have gotten 4 skill tickets in this month. 3 in the event, 1 in the capsule.

    3. That is true, Alvin, however the number of skill tickets depend on the event for the month. For example, during the Halloween event, there was only 1 Skill ticket given. If you cleared the pickup capsule, then you can get a maximum of 2 skill tickets for October. We were very lucky in November to have gotten 4. Hopefully the developers will give us more events where we get more than 1 skill tickets per event. We shall see. =)

    4. Sorry Alvin, I didn't mean to refute you. I re-read what I wrote and it sounded like that. Sorry about that.

      Clara, the number of skill tickets will depend on what the event gives you coupled with the pickup capsule skill ticket when you empty it. Hope this helps answer your question.

      Thanks again Alvin and Clara for reading!!

  7. Hi there :) I was wondering if you happened to know anything about the amount of my tsums needed to activate a skill every time a skill ticket is added... Does the amount of my tsums needed always decrease?

    1. It depends on what the Tsum's ability is. For example, when you skill up Beast, the number of tsums needed to recharge his skill decreases. However, for others, like Princess Aurora, the time period for which her skill remains active increases when you skill her up. Because there are so many types of tsum skills, the effect of skilling up any type varies greatly. Hope that helps :) And thank you fatalistic web for the wonderful blog

    2. Thanks das Leben eines normalen Studenten for answering!! :D Your answer is perfect! And you're very welcome!! I'm glad this blog has been so helpful for so many people. =) Thank you for reading Tsumzz and das Leben eines normalen Studenten!! =D

  8. Awesome! Thanks for the info everybody :)


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