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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 2016 - Additional Updates

Good morning everyone,

It looks like a couple more updates just came through the game!

  • The Player Level Cap has increased from 200 to 300!! So you can continue to get rubies again if you've been capped at Level 200 for the last little while, and hopefully this means that the Bonus Points will increase >25% after Level 200.
  • There's a Count Down Mission Bonus from today (Dec 28th) to Dec 31st, 6:59AM PST!! So instead of 500 coins rewarded per mission, it has increased 10-folds to 5000 coins per mission. It looks to be the case until Sat, Dec 31st. Great time to coin farm in these next few days!
Happy Tsuming!! =)


  1. Hi, can you please help me advising what is the difference between SELECT LUCKY TIME INCREASED DROP RATE and standar lucky time? Or both are the same? I find it difficult ti get the tsums which are in the SELECT LUCKY TIME moment. Is it jat me, or it's really different? Thank you!

    1. Hi Anastassia,
      You're right! It is different between Select Lucky Time and Standard Lucky Time. Select Lucky Time are usually for tsums that have come out already in the game before and that you can get from the premium box regularly (not a limited time tsum in other words). So this time around, during these next few days, Baymax, Marie and Triton are on Select Lucky Time because they've came out as new tsums before and the developers of the game have decided to select these three and give them another lucky time in the game to increase their chance of being opened from the premium box. In my experience, it is definitely more difficult to get the tsums in select lucky time, with the % being a lot lower than during the standard lucky time, which usually is reserved for a new tsum in the game. Does this help? Thanks for reading! Any further questions, feel free to ask away! =)

    2. One more thing. It's important to note that the tsums chosen for the select lucky times are often quite useful for a particular reason. For example, Triton Marie and Baymax are super useful for the bingo cards, and there are still many new players in the game who may need one two or all three of these tsums to be able to complete one or more of the missions in the bingos before they can complete the whole bingo card. Other times, it's strong tsums chosen for the select lucky time, e.g. Birthday Anna, Surprise Elsa, Beast, Belle. Again, I think it's more for the new players of the game who may not have a strong tsum to help them coin farm or get a high score, but if given the opportunity to increase their chance at getting one of these tsums, they will have a better advantage in the game. =) Of course, it's great for everyone else who have been playing the game for a while to try and skill up these tsums if they want or need to. Hope this helps! =)

  2. Thanks, dear! That helps a lot! 😊
    Now I understood why it's so difficult to get even one from these selected tsums, oh my.. I don't need to bother spending my coins now lol. Thanks again! I love reading your blog😠 😊

    1. Sorry typo for the first emo! I meant 😊😊


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