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Monday, December 7, 2015

More basics

Lives are in the form of hearts in this game.

Each heart allows you to play the game for a minute each.  It also takes 15 minutes before it regenerates.

Once all 5 hearts in the meter is gone, you need to wait for another 1 hour and about 15 minutes before the meter is recharged full of hearts for you to play. If you become really good, each heart will last you about 2 minutes each. Having said this, there are some amazing players out there that can play for a few minutes per heart, which means they can regenerate an extra heart (6th one) by the time they finish their 5th heart in the meter.

One of the most amazing players I've found on YouTube is Seiji:


He is able to skill up his tsums so much that they take out a lot more tsums. Browse through his Youtube videos and you can probably see why it's so wonderful to be able to skill up your tsums if possible. Of course since the boxes are random, it's not like you have much of a choice in whether you can skill up your tsums. It wasn't until I got past 40 premium tsums that I could get duplicates and therefore skill up my tsums slowly one by one. I'll tell you a trick to skilling up your tsums faster than this in a later post.

So skilling up is another thing I forgot to mention. Skilling up only happens if you buy a premium or happiness box and the same tsum comes out of it. For example, if you have Aladdin already, then if you select a premium box after getting 30,000 coins and you get Aladdin again, you skill him up! What does this mean? It means he takes out more tsums. How do I know that? At Skill 1, Aladdin only changes a small portion of tsums to Prince Ali, maybe just 1 line. In the profile of the tsum, you can see he starts with SS (super small). Once he skills up to Skill 2, he takes out S (aka small).

Different tsums skill up a bit differently and require different number of tsums before it goes up in skill.

For example, to skill up Mickey from Skill 1 to Skill 2, you need to open two more happiness boxes with Mickey inside. However, for Jasmine, to skill her up from Skill 1 to Skill 2, you only need to open one premium box with her inside. Again different tsums require different number of opened boxes before they skill up.

There are 2 great references I use to see the number of the same tsum I need to skill up to the next level, as well as some information about the tsum itself:

http://disneytsumtsum.wikia.com/wiki/Tsum_Tsum (it can show you how many duplications needed)

http://tsumtsum.gameloadstar.com/category/tsum/jp-tsum/ (great for see basic stats only, does not include duplication info)

Then I go onto Seiji's YouTube videos to see whether he uploaded a video of him playing with the higher skill and see whether it'd be a tsum I'd be interested in getting at the moment lucky time arrives.

I look into the Japanese tsums to see what tsums may come out next, as the Japanese version comes out with everything first and the American version gets it last.

It is important to note that different tsums require different number of duplications in boxes before they skill up, and to skill up to a higher skill requires different number of duplications than the previous one. For example, to skill up Jasmine to Skill 2 from 1, I only needed to have 1 duplicated premium box (aka open another premium box with Jasmine inside). To skill Jasmine to Skill 3, I need 2 duplications.  To go up to Skill 4, I will need 4 duplications.  (http://disneytsumtsum.wikia.com/wiki/Jasmine)

I wanted to share with you a bingo site that I used to use...though it looks like the person who used to own it let the domain to expire? I used to use http://www.ultimatetsumtsum.com/ as my guide to the bingo cards but unfortunately it's no longer in order.

No matter, the other sites I just listed above would suffice in letting you understand how to complete each of the bingos. I just liked the http://www.ultimatetsumtsum.com/ site because it had some funny commentary. Too bad you won't be able to read his funny remarks... =(

I understand that there are lots of sites out there that discusses about the bingos and tsums so feel free to read them. I am just here to give hints on items that stumped me and took me some time to figure out or that I was able to research and find a way to complete, particularly the bingo cards and some of the missions on it. =)

Happy Tsuming!

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